It’s Love

Good morning, Friends!

I’m currently on a bus en route to New York. We’ve been up since 3:30 this morning, but it’s all for a good cause. I love my hubs!

Tomorrow is Farmer Ben’s 30th birthday.  A day that calls for major celebration!

The hubs and I are headed to the Brooklyn Brewery to take in the food, people and beer of the Food Experiments Championship!

To be honest, finding out about this event was a complete accident but I knew as soon as I found out that Ben would love it!

So off we go. Tomorrow we have a date with the Rockettes and then an even hotter date with the Katz Deli.

Here’s to a wonderfully adventurous and delicious two days!

Oh. Also, I caved and joined twitter… find me @noellesnotebook!


It was entirely too early for photos. He must love me!