Scenes from a Long Weekend-Part II: Garden Eats

In my last post, Dad, Eileen, Gary and I were in Saranac Lake getting our local food on… I managed to pick up a few goodies….

My new addiction...

My new addiction…


I have a weakness for goat cheese....

I have a weakness for goat cheese….

After bringing Farmer Ben a surprise coffee, I took Gary and my Dad for a long walk on a bike path by the lake. It was hot…and sticky.

I then rushed home to clean-up and make some more delicious eats….

Here is what I whipped up….

Avocado-Tomato Bruschetta

Bruschetta... under a mountain of parmesan

Bruschetta… under a mountain of parmesan

What you’ll need:

  • 1 baguette…preferably local
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil, plus more for drizzling on bread
  • 2 large tomatoes (or 3-4 small-medium)
  • 15 fresh basil leaves (approximately)
  • 1 tbsp. or a splash of balsamic vinegar
  • Sea salt and cracked pepper to taste
  • 1 avocado

What to do:

  • Preheat oven to 350
  • Mince garlic.
  • Heat olive oil in a small skillet over medium-high heat, add garlic. Stir…cook garlic until it softens-do NOT let burn. This won’t take long. Pour garlic and oil into a metal mixing bowl and set aside.
  • Chop/dice tomatoes (this will be depend on how big you want your chunks to be–side note: chunks is not an appetizing word.) Add to mixing bowl with garlic and oil. 
  • Also, if you don’t want soupy bruschetta, drain some of the juices before adding to bowl.
  • Chop basil. (tip: stack some leaves on top of each other, roll them length-wise and slice into thin strips) Add to mixing bowl.
  • Add in remaining balsamic, salt and pepper and stir. Set aside
  • Slice baguette on the diagonal into 1/4 -1/2 inch slices. Place on baking sheet and drizzle lightly with olive oil.
  • Place in oven and let brown. Meanwhile, dice up your avocado and add to the bruschetta mixture–do NOT do this until ready to serve.
  • Remove toasted baguette from oven and top with bruschetta mixture.

If you’re feeling extra naughty, grate some parmesan over the top.

Serve immediately and enjoy!

Garden Delight Pasta


(Or…trying to use up all the veggies on your counter/in the fridge pasta)

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 lb whole wheat pasta (I used angel hair)
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 large yellow onion (or 1/2 a giant onion like I used…), diced
  • 1 medium zucchini, chopped
  • 1 medium eggplant, chopped
  • 6 large kale leaves, sliced (I just ripped it up)
  • 2 large Swiss Chard Leaves
  • 2 sprigs fresh parsley, chopped (about 1-2 tbsp.)
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 large tomato, chopped (or, if you have leftover bruschetta mix, that will work too!)
  • 3 oz. goat cheese (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

What to do:

  • Heat water for pasta and cook according to package
  •                  While your water is boiling….
  • Heat olive oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat.
  • Add in onion, until it starts to soften.
  • Add in zucchini and eggplant, stirring occasionally, be careful not to let veggies stick/burn. Reduce heat to medium low. (This should take about 10-15 minutes, depending on your veggies/size of pan)
  • Add in Swiss chard and kale, cover and let wilt. Stirring occasionally.
  • Stir in cooked and drained pasta (it should be hot) and mix in remaining ingredients.

Remove from heat and Serve hot. Makes 4-6 servings.

Favorite seasonal meal? How do you use up all of your leftover veggies? Goat cheese in pasta, yes or no?

Stay Tuned for Scenes…Part 3!

Fresh Picked Plates-July

I love local food…especially when it’s coming straight out of the garden or from a farm down the road.

Even though the growing season has been slowed down with all the rain, we’ve been very blessed with loads of arugula, radishes, swiss chard, beets and beet greens, chives, scallions, cilantro and lettuce. We’ve also been picking up beans, carrots and other veggies, along with local meats, eggs and cheeses at the market or our co-op.

My favorites (potatoes, tomatoes and peppers) are coming along and I can’t wait… we’re also going to have a squash and bean surplus…perfect for the freezer!

Anyway, here is a peek at how we’ve been using up all of our greens lately (please forgive my less than stellar photography skills):

A simple salad

A simple salad with radishes, goat cheese and chicken.

Roasted beets that we've been putting in everything!

Roasted beets that we’ve been putting in everything!

I was on a butternut crust pizza kick a few weeks ago:

A squash pizza crust with chicken, scapes, local cheese and Ben's BBQ Sauce

A squash pizza crust with chicken, scapes, local cheese and Ben’s BBQ Sauce

A Squash Pizza with arugula, garlic scapes and olive oil.

A Squash Pizza with arugula, garlic scapes and olive oil.

But we always love our giant salads…

Another delicious salad with carrots, beets, beet greens, avocado

Another delicious salad with carrots, beets, beet greens, avocado

A simple green salad topped with yellow carrots, scallions and a mustard vinaigrette.

A simple green salad topped with yellow carrots, scallions and a mustard vinaigrette.

Beet greens and swiss chard topped with goat cheese.

Beet greens and swiss chard topped with goat cheese.

Cold soba noodle salad over greens (salad has green beans, green tomatoes, peppers, scallions, cilantro)

Cold soba noodle salad over greens (salad has green beans, green tomatoes, peppers, scallions, cilantro)

And we’ve had a few other tasty hot meals:

Lasagna rolls (ricotta made by me) and a big salad with chevre.

Lasagna rolls (ricotta made by me) and a big salad with chevre.

Local Pepper stuffed with barbecue pinto and adzuki beans, black rice, local cheddar and topped with chives.

Local Pepper stuffed with barbecue pinto and adzuki beans, black rice, local cheddar and topped with chives.

And here are some of my meals I’ve been packing for breakfast/lunch:

First potato(!) with eggs, local cheddar and chives and a big beet and green salad.

First potato(!) with eggs, local cheddar and chives and a big beet and green salad.

Beets, Swiss Chard, Beet greens, carrots, cilantro, mint, scallions, grilled veggies, a local burger and pecans with a roasted garlic vinaigrette

Beets, Swiss Chard, Beet greens, carrots, cilantro, mint, scallions, grilled veggies, a local burger and pecans with a roasted garlic vinaigrette


Swiss Chard rolls with rice, dill, garlic and lemon juice, big green/beet salad


Green pepper stuffed with rice, and local chicken sausage, eggs, onion, and eggplant


What about you? What’s your go-to summer meal? What’s been on your plate lately?

Another Fresh Picked Plate

I love local food… in case you haven’t figured that out yet…. today’s lunch is another example: tomato, beans and jalapenos from the garden, local cheese and greek yogurt and organic meatballs (I admit, these aren’t local… but they have all good ingredients). Check it out!


What are you having for lunch?!

Date Nights Are My Favorite…

It’s only Tuesday, but I am already pretty happy about this week…between being on top of blog stuff (like new posts and updating all of my pages!), getting my sweat on during runs and getting caught up at work, I am kicking booty and taking names! I also have a shopping trip planned with some of the ladies from work. Cannot wait!

The GBN experiment is going well and I am pumped to show you this weeks gallery of gross-ness!

Yesterday was date night with Farmer Ben. It consisted of a delicious dinner (veggies from the garden/down the road, of course!), followed by stretching and a nice hilly run. It was pretty challenging but I think I have a new go-to route.

Here’s a look at our dinner:

Salmon over volcano rice with tomatoes, jalapeno, fresh corn and onions.

We felt even better after we blew all those running calories on the biggest “medium” soft serve I have ever seen. 

Note to self: Do NOT let Ben order me a medium again!

After ice cream we headed to the movie theatre to FINALLY see The Dark Knight Rises…Holy Moly. My mind was blown. Such a good movie and my love for Joseph Gordon-Levitt just peaked. Be still my beating heart! I know, totally late on the DKR commentary, but still. So good. I’m a bit tired today, but it was worth it.

Today will consist of work, work, and a night run…with a lunch date thrown in the mix.

Like I said, it’s shaping up to be a great week!

Happy Tuesday!

Lookin’ Out My Back Door!

It is an absolutely beautiful day today. The sun is shining, there’s a nice breeze and I had a lunchdate with the hubby. I’m working at the restaurant this evening and I brought my running gear for a night run.  How lucky am I?

Ben also informed me that we have beets, beans, lettuce,  mint and corn popping up! Hooray!

Of course, whenever I talk about spring or summer weather in the North Country, no one ever believes me. But I’ve got proof! These photos were taken this morning by Farmer Ben… enjoy!


We now have cows in our backyard, no big deal.

The cows belong to our landlord…

Near the garden…

 I secretly love dandelions.

Potatoes. Who knew?

Biggest spring onions ever.

Seriously, these suckers are huge!

Ben called this last one “The Yellow Brick Road.”

Have a beautiful rest of the day!