What’s Been On My Plate? #HempHearts Review & Giveaway

Hi Friends!

Happy Weekend! Any big plans? Farmer Ben and I are spending our weekend at our district’s ministry retreat.

Today I want to talk about Hemp Hearts!

Have you had these tasty little seeds before? Farmer Ben and I love them! Confession: We put them in everything. And I mean EVERYTHING!

Hemp Hearts are actually the center of the hemp seed (basically, it’s what remains after the seed is de-shelled). They are also super good for you. In one 30 gram serving, Hemp Hearts contain 10 grams of plant-based protein and 10 grams of Omegas. They also have more protein and omegas and less carbs than the same serving of chia or flax (AND don’t get stuck in your teeth!). Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts are also Non-GMO Project verified. This is something super important to Ben and me.

I love them because they have a nutty flavor that goes with anything. Seriously, Ben and I use them as a topping for yogurt and salads, a stir-in for smoothies or eggs, filling in meatballs (yes, I’m serious) and muffins. Sweet or savory, these will work! Click the link or the picture below for the muffin recipe. I made these a while back and actually just use all hemp seeds now.


One of my favorite ways we’ve used the hemp hearts is in a veggie packed pasta sauce. We started with Farmer Ben’s homemade marinara sauce, added a splash of wine, threw in some vegan sausage, swiss chard, spinach and mushrooms and let those cook down, then right before we served it, we stirred in some hemp hearts for a little added crunch and flavor (then, to certify our hippie status, we topped it with nutritional yeast and served with whole wheat pasta)


Another way that we love to eat hemp hearts is with plain yogurt and some fresh berries. As you probably know, siggi’s is my go to!


So, long story short, we are huge fans. These little seeds are a staple in our house.

AND! Good News, Manitoba Harvest is generously offering one of you lucky readers the chance to win a package of Manitoba Hemp Hearts to try.

To enter pick any or all options below and leave a comment letting me know that you did it! (1 entry for each)

  • Follow @ManitobaHarvest on Twitter
  • Follow @ManitobaHarvest on Instagram
  • Tweet about the giveaway using @ManitobaHarvest #hemphearts @FitApproach #sweatpink
  • Follow @NoellesNotebook on Twitter
  • Follow @NoellesNotebook on Instagram
  • Leave a comment telling me your favorite way to enjoy Hemp Hearts

The Fine Print: 

  • Open to US and Canada residents
  • One prize per person. If you win this giveaway, and have already won another prize from Manitoba Harvest through another blog, please disclose that you have already won so we can choose another winner. 

****Giveaway ends Wednesday, November 11.

Ever had Hemp Hearts? What’s your favorite way to eat them? 

*Full disclosure: As a Sweat Pink ambassador,  I was provided a free sample of Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own. *  Thank you Manitoba Harvest! 

Real Talk: Pure LYFT Review

Hi Friends! Long time no see! Remember when I used to blog a few times a week? Sigh… soon, we will be back to that!

Farmer Ben and I have been crazy busy getting ready for the bistro opening…it’s crazy to think that in just two days (AH!) we will be open for business!

In other news, I was recently sent a sample of LYFT to try and review.


Not gonna lie, I typically don’t try stuff like this, but with all the late nights at the bistro, I thought it may be nice to try an alternative to my standard coffee with cream… thank you to LYFT for the sample!

Full Disclosure: I was provided LYFT in exchange for a review through Fit Approach. All opinions are my own.

So, what the heck is Pure LYFT?

From their website: “LYFT Energy Stir Sticks are an innovative “clean caffeine”™ energy product infused with all natural caffeine and vitamins that provide a sophisticated energy experience.”

They also boast “a clean taste,” compatible with many different drinks, the caffeine equivalent of a small coffee, zero calories and “no artificial sweeteners, flavors or preservatives.”  The energy comes from green coffee bean extract and vitamins B & A.

So, I figured it couldn’t hurt to give it a try.

I was pretty impressed at how quickly my sample came…it was literally in my mail box two days later.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, I’ve read about green coffee bean extract but had never tried it.

So what did I think?
Well… the packaging was pretty neat.


And it is pretty self explanatory to use…


This looks like something else

You peel off the label and stir the stick into your drink…. easy enough.


The taste was …detectable. It wasn’t super sweet, but I could still taste… something and that threw me off. I must admit, I only mixed with water, the average person probably wouldn’t have noticed it, especially if mixed with tea or juice. 

I will also admit that I am kind of a weirdo with taste, sweet especially, and most people probably wouldn’t notice any taste.

Did I notice a boost in energy?

A little.

I used mine on particularly long days at work when I hit my 3 pm slump. Mid-afternoon has been especially rough as I have been up late most nights, so I’ve been  hitting the coffee pretty hard. I tried the LYFT on days when I just wanted water.

I’d agree with the statement that it is similar to a cup of coffee.

Anything not to like?


Ugh. Maltodextrin. I do NOT like this ingredient. And I do NOT consider it clean.

I’ll let you do your own research but … it’s (usually) corn. Highly processed corn. There has got to a better way!

I’m also not a fan of “natural flavors,” I get the reasoning behind it but you don’t know what that means.

Would I buy this?

If it didn’t have maltodextrin… maybe. Again, I was pretty disappointed when I saw the ingredient list… if LYFT found a better alternative, I’d consider it… but  I am pretty committed to coffee.

Happy Memorial Day, Friends!

Finding a Balance: Burgers and Big Workouts

Hi Friends!

Farmer Ben and I are back from our road trip/vacation down south! Can I tell you a secret? I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much barbecue in my life…I loved every morsel…but I must admit, it is good to be home, sleeping in our own bed and cooking at home. I’ll do a full post on that later…

I need to get something off my chest.

I was perusing instagram the other day and came across a photo of a giant cheeseburger with French fries. To put you in the right frame of mind, the burger was similar to this one, minus the braised kale:

Pictures like this speak to me.

Pictures like this speak to me.

Anyway, my immediate thoughts? “Oh my, that looks delicious!”

Obviously, I was drawn to it and stopped to read the caption and comments.

I won’t tell you who the user was but the caption was something along the lines of “Yes, I ate this…trying to tell myself that my ridiculously long, strenuous workout makes it okay.”

Cue screeching record sound… What?! 

I’m sorry… but that is ridiculous.

Why do you have to do a ridiculously long and strenuous workout in order to justify eating a cheeseburger and fries? Why do you have to burn a million calories in order to enjoy it? Or, make a vow to run a million miles the next day? Why can’t you just eat it and say, “man, that was delicious,” without feeling guilty?

Now, don’t misunderstand me. I am in no way saying that you should go out and only eat cheeseburgers and fries (or whatever your guilty pleasure of choice may be), obviously.

Not at all… but if you eat well most of the time, and yes, if you do ridiculously long and strenuous workouts more often than not (as this person does), then what the heck? Eat a damn cheeseburger!

Occasionally enjoying an “unhealthy” meal is not going to “ruin all of your hard work,” and it’s not going to make you gain 20 pounds or ruin your diet/workout regimen. Depending on the burger and your digestive system, you may be a bit bloated or gassy after…but it’s not going to ruin your overall health plan. It’s about balance, people!

I guess what I found most disturbing was the user who posted this picture. You are a role model in a healthy living community. That is not a healthy state of mind…and it’s a common theme I am finding as I peruse my instagram and twitter feeds of bloggers/people who claim to have a healthy lifestyle…people I look up to!

People would rather drink a protein shake or eat an energy bar full of artificial sweeteners and ingredients they can’t pronounce, than enjoy real, whole foods that happen to be calorie dense. I see more protein shakes with a side of celery or a few apple slices  than real, balanced meals on my feed. WHY?!

When did we get so far away from balance…and eating real food?

Again, I am NOT saying that a cheeseburger and fries is “healthy meal,” nor am I saying that all protein shakes/energy bars are bad…not at all!

I’m just saying, everything in moderation.

Neither of these options is going to completely nourish/sustain a person, especially a highly active person.

Balance is necessary.

When you start looking at food as the enemy or depriving yourself…or even trying to justify what you are eating with ridiculously long and strenuous workouts, then there is a problem…and this I am saying from personal experience.  On the same note, you also can’t look to food for comfort/stress relief…again, it’s about balance.

I am in no way perfect, and I am totally guilty of having that small voice in my head saying, “are you sure you want to eat that? Do you know how many calories are in it?!”

But, I’ve come to appreciate balance and I’ve finally learned the “everything in moderation” principle…Yes, I watch what I eat…but I don’t completely deprive myself and I don’t freak out after eating a burger. I’m no expert, but I think I’m a lot healthier now because of this.

Thanks for letting me ramble.

So tell me, what are your thoughts? Cheeseburgers, yes or no? Are you guilty of trying to justify your meals with workouts?  Favorite food to drool over on Instagram?

You’ve Got to be Kidding Me

So, you probably know that I am semi-obsessive about reading ingredient labels and doing research on food…

You may not know that I don’t much pay attention to the actual nutrition label: fat content, carbs, etc.–unless it’s the vitamins and minerals portion–Instead, I try to eat whole foods, meaning that I try to know exactly where my food came from and exactly what I’m eating.

In the summer, most of our meals come straight from the garden.

Don’t get me wrong, I still eat cheeseburgers and drink a beer now and then, but I pay attention to where it’s coming from. This doesn’t mean I have free reign, and I try to eat what’s best for my body…it’s about balance… you get my drift.

So allow me to vent for a moment…

I work with mostly males at both of my jobs.

Needless to say, the girls are a pretty close-knit group in both places, so as you can imagine I always sometimes notice what they eat. I also know when one of them is looking to lose a few pounds.

There are two women in particular that seem to be on the diet cycle at one point or another (also, can we talk about how I hate the word diet?).  Because I am “healthy,” they’ll talk to me about what I eat–mostly because, I’ve managed to lose a few pounds.

I always tell them the same things; stay away from diet anything, use real ingredients, don’t buy pre-packaged items, cook at home,  you get the idea.

They nod their heads in agreement.

But then… I see what they’re eating.

One of them drinks a daily Slim-Fast, eats a fat-free yogurt chock-full of fake sugar and artificial flavors and then goes out for fried food on Fridays. This makes me want to bang my head against the wall.

The other visits the vending machine for a bear claw. FROM THE VENDING MACHINE! It probably doesn’t even taste that good…but the thing that really kills me? It’s not once or twice a week, but EVERY DAY. EVERY SINGLE DAY!

And then… they wonder why they don’t feel good…why they’re tired, why their clothes don’t fit.

Call me crazy, but eating a giant fried pastry everyday can’t be good for you.

Again, I do not claim to be an expert in this area, and I am far from perfect. But I’ve found that eating well works. Period. I don’t eat well 100% of the time, but I do more often than not… I’m not a size 4, but I’m healthy.

Seeing this constant food craziness gets to me.

End Rant.

What are some of your “diet” pet peeves?

Is That a Challenge?

I don’t know about you, but I love a good challenge. Lucky for me,  November seems to be the month of Challenges!

There is a little trend on some social networking site, where people post one thing that they are thankful for each day of November. I’ve decided to accept this…and to take it a step further. I’ve created a page on this site where I will post my items.  Check it out!

My second challenge? I joined an online group!  I don’t usually like to join groups on the sites I use… but I have a huge goal that I am finally going for in the next few months (more on that later…) and decided that this would be something to help me on that path…and to keep me accountable.

So, I took the plunge and joined a group called the “50 day Challenge!!” on MFP. Basically, it’s to help members stay on track to reach a personal goal by December 18. I am aiming to shed a few more pounds or a pants size, but more importantly, I just want to stay active. I’d hate to see all of my hard work from the last few months go to waste. Because of this group, I’ve added a lot of MFPals in the last week or so…and it’s great, although I do find myself distracted by all of the activity on my page.  No matter, I have people to keep me on track. Boom.

 We also started a new series in our small groups and at church. It’s called The Circle Maker.

In our first meeting, we were challenged to pick something to pray about for 21 days (“drawing a circle around it,” if you will).  We were to come up with an end goal/dream/request and ask God to help us attain that end result. Every day. I have a couple of things that I could pray about, but I’ve got it narrowed down.

So, here I am, doing this. I do pray every day. But I don’t typically ask for something for myself, so this is definitely a new experience. I’m learning as I go.

I’ve also got a race coming up! The hubs and I will be running the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving and I am pretty excited. Lots of running to get in before then and I am hoping for a PR!

Lastly, the hubby and I have been eating a lot lately. We’ve been eating out…And not very well…so I am challenging myself to eat better, cleaner and cheaper this month.

No, I won’t be depriving myself of all the wonderful goodies that come from November (Hello, Turkey and Pumpkin Pie!!!), but I will be paying attention to what I eat and challenging myself to eat at home. This means getting up in the morning to make breakfast, planning my lunch the night before and–gasp!!!–making coffee/tea at home instead of going to Starbucks. It’s on!

It’s going to be a month of self-discipline. But I am ready!

Do you have any challenges/goals for this month?  Tell me about them!

Is It Weird?

So, you already know that I have an unhealthy obsession with pickles…

And that any kind of yogurt except for plain makes me want to vom…

That I hate styrofoam…

And that I go through really weird food phases…

But now, I must confess another weird thing…

I really dislike going out to do dinner with certain people.

I know that sounds wrong. I absolutely love food. I love perusing menus, figuring out how I am going to treat myself. I love gossiping over a glass of wine.  And if I have room, splitting a dessert….

So maybe I should rephrase that…

I hate hate hate having to figure out where we’ll eat (with said certain friends). Seriously, there are so many restaurants in this town and they always pick one of the few that I try to avoid at all costs! I try not to make it a huge issue but it can be so hard!

 I’ve talked about how I try to eat healthy…and I succeed about 75% of the time. I also try to eat local most of the time-or at least responsibly in the sense that I need to know where my food comes from, how to pronounce all of the ingredients…and I need to understand how my food is processed, prepared and served to me.

This is especially important to me as of late, because, with all of this running, I am eating a whole heck of a lot more! Food is fuel. Plain and simple.

That’s why when friends suggest places that I normally try to avoid, I cringe. I am not a picky eater by any means and I would never go to someone’s home and refuse to eat…but when it comes to restaurants… I get anxiety attacks thinking about it…

“What the heck am I going to eat there?!”

“I can’t eat that much sodium in one sitting!”

The healthiest thing on this menu is beer!”

“If I eat anything at this place, I am going to be up all night!”

“Everything on their menu comes out of a bag!”

“I don’t want microwaved chicken or canned sauce!”

Now, I realize that I probably seem a bit neurotic and I may be over-dramatizing the situation… But being a person who tries to eat well (at least most of the time), you become very sensitive to certain ingredients that aren’t in your regular diet. AND, having worked/knowing people in the restaurant business, you begin to pick up on what’s going on behind the kitchen doors… some things really freak you out, like ingredient lists and food preparation.

So today, a group of friends decided that we should get together for dinner.

The first suggestion was Applebee’s. Per usual, I started to panic. I felt my blood pressure rise thinking about what on earth I would order besides cheap beer.

Again, I’m not a picky eater. I don’t want to be that person that makes a big deal about something as simple as dinner-but that kind of quasi-fast, pre-made food makes me sick. So, when that suggestion came up, I took a few minutes to have a silent mini-freakout at my desk before I responded with a simple, “Can I request anywhere but there? My race is the next day.”

It’s true, the Ragnar Relay IS the next day. If it wasn’t, I probably would have grinned and bore it… and ordered a lackluster salad that I still would have regretted eating a few hours later.

But this time is different.  I need to fuel my body properly because after that dinner, I’ll be going home, getting up by 4:30 am and heading out to do a ridiculous relay.

I prepared myself for a groan from my friends, but the only response I got was “Okay, you pick.”

So now I have the task of figuring out where we will eat because I spoke up. Again, normal people would be perfectly okay with this but for me, it’s still a hard decision.

But that’s a post for a different day….

Tell me, am I the only one who freaks out about going out to dinner? Am I the only one who won’t go to certain restaurants?

Let me know!

Lentil Burgers

Lately, I haven’t been eating as well as I would like. It’s partly because I’ve been eating on the run and partly because I’ve been lazy about planning ahead.

It’s been all about beef, bacon, nachos, potatoes and cupcakes. Granted these are all grass-fed/local/from the garden…but I admit, I have been over-indulging.

Don’t get me wrong, I love greens but I have just wanted something a little more… meaty and cheesy.

So, in an effort to cut down on my carnivorous binge, I made some veggie burgers. I served them over greens with a quick yogurt sauce (greek yogurt, lemon juice, honey, dill and garlic powder).

These are super easy to make AND go really well with salad….so you’ll have plenty of room for shredded beef nachos later on… I’m only sort of kidding…

So much color and goodness!

Lentil burgers are also totally good for you-packed with iron, protein, potassium, fiber and good fats!

Anyway, I used orange lentils in this batch but I would advise using black lentils instead–they are a bit firmer and will hold up better to mashing/mixing. You’ll need to rinse your lentils before cooking them to make sure any little stones are picked out.

Lentil Burgers:

Adapted from 101 Cookbooks

2 cups cooked lentils (I cooked mine with our favorite Thai Stock from Wegmans)

1 15 0z can beans –I used great northern beans- garbanzos, black beans or pinto beans would also work

4 large eggs

1 to 1-1/2 cups bread crumbs

1 medium onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

a few good cranks/pinches of black pepper and sea salt

Parsley-I used about a tbsp

A few squeezes of lemon

1-2 tsp. Smoky Paprika

1 tbsp. Olive Oil


  • Olives–Ben and I stumbled upon Lindsay’s Naturals Green or Black Olives and they are amazing! We had a can in our cabinet so I threw some in for some added texture.
  • Jalapenos–I’ll probably make these again just so I can throw in some fresh japs from the garden! YUM!
  • Your favorite cheese-I used about 1/4 -1/2 cup of Cabot Mozzarella

What to do:

Combine lentils, eggs and salt in a large bowl– use your trusty dough blender or a fork to combine until your mixture is still slightly runny but chunky-it’ll look like really wet/chunky hummus.  (You can also use a food processor).

Add in remaining ingredients (except olive oil), stir until just combined. Let sit for a few minutes so the breadcrumbs absorb excess moisture.

Your mixture should be wet, but still able to be formed into patties.  If necessary, add in more breadcrumbs a little bit at a time. Or, for more moisture, add in more water/egg.

(I mentioned using black lentils instead of orange-I found my moisture to be REALLY wet/mushy with the orange and was out of breadcrumbs, so I added in some unbleached flour-it worked just as well).

When you have the right consistency, heat oil in a heavy skillet over medium heat, form patties and add to skillet.

Cook covered until bottom begins to brown-this took about 7 or 8 minutes. Flip and cook another 7 minutes until other side is lightly browned. 

Serve over your favorite salad or on a bun as a veggie burger.

Makes about 12 burgers ~177 calories per burger. You can store uncooked patties in the fridge for up to a week.